Our Staff

J. Derek Yelton, Senior Pastor

Pastor Yelton is originally from South Carolina.  He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Columbia Bible College, a Master of Divinity from Mid-American Baptist Theological Seminary, and a Doctor of Ministry and a PhD from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. 
Debbie Flynn, Administrator

Debbie holds a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration with experience in Marketing. She enjoys teaching Sunday School and has considerable compassion for children and seniors.
Kevin Hugel, Music Director

The Adult Choir is directed by Kevin Hugel. Kevin is a humble servant leader who shares his love for the Lord through this wonderful music ministry. The Adult Choir sings at the 10:30 AM service each Sunday morning.
Joe & Lisa DiMarco, Youth Directors

Lisa & Joe DiMarco are lifetime Marylanders and have an incredible heart for young people.